(Excerpts from an article by Carl Mumford)
Square Dancing is Fun and Friendship Set to Music
The most widely accepted Square Dance Motto is: Square Dancing is Friendship Set to Music. Notice, I have added “FUN”, because, that is why most all of us square dance. We have been willing to take square dance lessons for weeks, because it is FUN to meet the challenge of learning something new, and mastering this activity. However, almost no one masters square dancing, therefore, the fun exists to keep trying. If you do master one level of square dancing, there is the next level of square dancing to conquer, and have fun doing it. The same holds true of round dancing.
While a person is taking lessons, and afterwards when they join a club, they will become friends with other local square dancers. I can assure you, this is true, because, I was a very quiet, withdrawn individual, and it happened to me.
This is where the “Friendship” part of the motto comes into play.
The question I have been contemplating is, what is:
“The Ultimate in Square Dancing”
In studying this question, maybe: “The Ultimate in Square Dancing is not Square Dancing”
Robin B offered this comment: “The Ultimate in Square Dancing is the Fellowship with the People, not only in your square but all those attending the dance. It's amazing how a set of four couples, complete strangers sometimes, can become one unit so quickly and have so much fun. It's a few hours in your life that you don't have to worry about the outside world and have a great time.”
She is right on. I now believe:
The Ultimate in Square Dancing is the friendships that you build within the Square Dancing Community.
Two more noteworthy responses I received. 1) From a caller: The Ultimate in Square Dancing: It is seeing dancers smiling, having fun, and enjoying themselves.
2) From a retired Occupational Therapist, I consider the Ultimate in Square and Round Dancing for me as sound and practical physical and mental health. Truly, this is the first positive result we get from square and round dancing, keeping our bodies moving, and our minds active. A typical square dance is equivalent to a four to five mile walk, only you take smaller steps, and turn in many directions. Sometimes, you have to hurry; bringing your heartbeat up, this is good. No doubt, square dancing is a very excellent exercise.
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